"The Gentle Tamers - Women of the
Old Wild West" by Dee Brown
ISBN 0-8032-5025-8 (pbk.)
"The Colonel's Lady on the
Western Frontier" (The correspondence of Alice Kirk Grierson)
ISBN 0-8032-7929-9 (pbk.)
"An Army Wife's Cookbook - With
Household Hints & Home Remedies" by Alice Kirk Grierson
Standard Book No.: 0-911408-27-4
"Vanished Arizona" by Martha
ISBN 0-8032-9105-1 (pbk.)
"Westering Women and the Frontier
Experience 1800-1915" by Sandra L. Myres
ISBN 0-8263-0626-8 (pbk.)
"Following the Drum - A Glimpse
of Frontier Life" by Teresa Griffin Viele
ISBN 0-8032-9602-9 (pbk.)
"Absaraka - Home of the Crows" by
Margaret Irvin Carrington
ISBN 0-8032-6315-5 (pbk.)
"The Good Old Days - They Were
Terrible!" by Otto L. Bettman
ISBN 0-394-70941-1 (pbk.)
"Reminiscences of a Soldier's
Wife" by Ellen McGowan Biddle
ISBN 0-8117-2058-6 (pbk.)
"Army Letters from an Officer's
Wife" by Frances M.A. Roe
ISBN 0-8032-8905-7 (pbk.)
"Women & Indians on the Frontier,
1825-1915" by Glenda Riley
ISBN 0-8263-0780-9 (pbk.)
"Cavalry Life in Tent & Field" by
Mrs. Orsemus B. Boyd
ISBN 0-8032-6063-6 (pbk.)
"Boots and Saddles or, Life in
Dakota with General Custer" by Elizabeth B. Custer
Library of Congress Catalog No.
"Life on the Plains" by Gen. G.A.
(Check with Office of the Librarian of
Congress, at Washington, D.C.)
Many of these books are no longer
in print but can still be located through
eBay, Library of Congress,
Barnes & Noble, and
Some books that pre-date the
Indian Wars period but give you an eye-view of life of the women who
crossed the United States on the westward journey include:
"Women Who Charmed the West" by
Anne Seagraves
ISBN 0-9619088-2-3
"Pioneer Women - Voices from the
Kansas Frontier" by Joanna L. Stratton
ISBN 0-671-44748-3 (pbk.)
"Women's Diaries of the Westward
Journey" by Lillian Schlissel
ISBN 0-8052-747-3 (pbk.)
If you have any questions, please
let me know via e-mail.
Carol E. Helms