Indian Wars

Period Photographs of the American Indians

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chiefjoe.jpg (23359 bytes) Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé during their war with the whites.  Possible the most able leader the Indians had during the years of the Plains Indian Wars. (Smithsonian Institute)
Chief Joseph, or Hin-Mah-Too-Yah ("Thunder Traveling to Loftier Mountain Heights"), was a hereditary chief of the Nez Percé.  In 1877, Chief Joseph surrendered with these now-famous words: "From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."  Photo taken in 1903 by Edward S. Curtis. (Library of Congress)

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Crow prisoners at the Crow Agency, Montana, 1887. (U.S. Signal Corps.)

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Chief Looking Glass, one of Chief Joseph's most able lieutenants.  Killed during the Nez Percé war.
(U.S. Signal Corps.)

Chief Powder Face of the Arapaho, taken sometime between 1868 and 1874. (National Park Service)

Sitting Bull was a famed warrior, medicine man, and spiritual leader of the Hunkpapa Sioux.  Unwilling to accept relocation to a reservation, Sitting Bull fled to Canada but was forced to surrender in 1881.  He was killed resisting arrest on the Standing Rock Reservation in 1890.  Photographed in 1885 by David F. Barry.  (Library of Congress)

This Cheyenne man was photographed at Fort Keogh, Montana.  He was also known as Red Armed Panther.  It was said he was "a good scout, a good shot and royal good hunting companion..."  Photographed ca. 1880 by
L.A. Huffman.  (Montana Historical Society)

"The Captive White Boy, Santiago McKinn"
Santiago McKinn was taken in 1885 by Chiricahua Apaches from his home near Mimbres, New Mexico Territory.  Well treated during his five months with the Apache, Santiago assimilated their lifestyle and spoke the language.  He cried when taken from the Apaches to be returned to his original family.  Photographed in March, 1886, by
Camillus Sidney Fly.  (Arizona Historical Society)

"Geronimo, Son and Two Picked Warriors"
Geronimo holds a Model 1873 Springfield Infantry Rifle. ramrod and cleaning stick.  Others from left to right: Yanozha; Chappo (Geronimo's son; Yanozha's half brother, Fun.  Note the Windsor knot in Yanozha's tie.  Their photograph was taken during the Canon de los Embudos peace conference in Mexico.  Photographed in March, 1866, by Camillus Sidney Fly.  (Arizona Historical Society)